Ongoing & Upcoming Events

in Austria


Jewish Sounds With Lea Kalisch & Rabbi T

Photo: © Martina Adlerova @AdlerArt

From the Jewish Community Vienna (IKG)

Lea Kalisch and Rabbi T are a young, dynamic, highly entertaining duo who bring Jewish music to life with a fresh and vibrant twist. From classics of Yiddish theater to hidden folk songs, multilingual mashups, and original compositions, their music captures the essence of Yiddishkeit with heart and humor.

More information & Registration (in German)

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Swingin' Chanukka

Swingin' Chanukka

Mit Leidenschaft widmet sich der Komponist, Sänger und Entertainer Roman Grinberg dem Genre Yiddish Jazz. Seine ausdrucksstarke und facettenreiche Stimme erinnert an die großen Crooner des 20. Jahrhunderts.

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Light of Hope 2023

Light of Hope 2023

Since 2012, the Youth Commission of the Jewish Community Vienna organizes the memorial march "Light of Hope", with which it commemorates the November pogroms.

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Super Jews. Jewish Identity in the Football Stadium
to Jan 14

Super Jews. Jewish Identity in the Football Stadium

The Zionist-oriented SC Hakoah inscribed a “Jewish football” success story in the history of Viennese football during the interwar period: the club won the first professional football championship in Austria in 1925. Little is known, however, that other Viennese and European football clubs likewise have a “Jewish history,” and that Jewish sports officials, coaches, and players contributed to the clubs’ early successes.

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Die Schatulle des David Josef Bach

Die Schatulle des David Josef Bach

With a multimedia lecture performance, Sigmund Freud's first practice on the mezzanine floor of Berggasse 19 is transformed into a soundscape spread over four rooms, those rooms with which David Josef Bach, one of the most important cultural promoters and cultural mediators in Social Democratic Red Vienna, was also well acquainted: as an early member of Freud's Psychological Wednesday Society, which gathered here almost every Wednesday evening in the years between 1902 and 1908.

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100 Misunderstandings About and Among Jews
to Jun 6

100 Misunderstandings About and Among Jews

  • Jewish Museum Vienna Dorotheergasse (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The image of Jewish women and men is shaped by misunderstandings in large sections of the majority society. Whether it concerns the exaggeration of the “Jewish sense of family,” “Jewish learning,” a clichéd notion of “Jewish life,” or the sadness inherent in anything “Jewish,” all of this is based on misconceptions that later translate into prejudice and express stereotypical images.

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James T. Hong: Apologies v 2016.2, 2021
to Feb 12

James T. Hong: Apologies v 2016.2, 2021

As of October 13, the Jewish Museum Vienna is presenting the video installation Apologies (Entschuldigungen) at the Museum Dorotheergasse. In the work of Taiwanese-American film artist James T. Hong, world leaders apologize for crimes ordered or sanctioned by the state.

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Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. Workshops for Visual Arts
to Dec 10

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis. Workshops for Visual Arts

  • University Gallery at Heiligenkreuzerhof (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The artistic work of Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898-1944) is marked by production across media, ranging from graphics and paintings to designs for costumes and stage sets, toys, interiors and modular furniture, through fabrics, bags, and book covers to politically engaged art. Throughout her short career she also worked as an art teacher – a practice she pursued even after she was deported to the concentration camp Terezín and up until her murder at Auschwitz in 1944.

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Fritz Kreisler – A Cosmopolitan in Exile. From Child Prodigy to “King of Violinists”
to Mar 27

Fritz Kreisler – A Cosmopolitan in Exile. From Child Prodigy to “King of Violinists”

  • Exilarte Center for Banned Music (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The new exhibition at the Exilarte Center, which will be open to the public starting September 17, 2022, illustrates Kreisler’s family history, his time in Vienna and his special ability to communicate with the media (record companies, newspapers, radio) through numerous pictures, musical materials and life documents. His violin style (in connection with the major concertos and the Beethoven sonatas) is also thematized, as are his arrangements and compositional style.

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Espresso at last! The Café Arabia on Kohlmarkt
to Mar 19

Espresso at last! The Café Arabia on Kohlmarkt

  • Jewish Museum Vienna Judenplatz (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Café Arabia opened in 1951 on Vienna’s Kohlmarkt, in the middle of the city center. It imported the Italian espresso culture into the traditional coffee-making metropolis, which caused heated debates. Equally spectacular was the coffee house’s demise: In 1999 it had to give way to a boutique, which both regular guests and architecture connoisseurs regretted. The history of the café and its founder, the entrepreneur Alfred Weiss (1890–1973), has meanwhile faded into oblivion and is now to be brought back into consciousness.

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Opposing Power
to Jan 15

Opposing Power

The art collection of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance in Vienna comprises around 200 prints, drawings, and oil paintings. This exhibition marks the first comprehensive presentation of those works. The story they tell is one of resistance, war and persecution between 1934 and 1945.

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Our Medieval City! The First Jewish Community in Vienna
to Dec 31

Our Medieval City! The First Jewish Community in Vienna

  • Jewish Museum Vienna Judenplatz (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Judenplatz, right in the heart of Vienna, is a place where layers of Jewish history have built up over centuries. Beginning in the thirteenth century, a Jewish quarter with a magnificent synagogue took root here. Over the course of two hundred years, Vienna became a center of Jewish knowledge and learning, with several important rabbis living and teaching here.

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