Jewish Life in Austria:
Kosher Vienna
We are providing a list of kosher food establishments and stores for your convenience.
Your kosher restaurant, cafe, or store not listed here? Please let us know!
Groceries & Bakeries:
Shefa Markt
1020 Vienna, Heinestrasse 24-28
Tel: +43 1 264 61 59
E-Mail: shefa.markt@gmail.com
Web: www.shefa-markt.com
Kosher Minimarkt
Hollandstraße 10, 1020 Wien, Austria
LaMehadrin Koscher Supermarkt
Taborstraße 48a, 1020 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43 1 9092299
Web: https://www.lamehadrin.com
Bakery Ohel
Lilienbrunngasse 18, 1020 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43 1 2145617
Web: https://www.ohel.at/
Top photo credit: monicore/ Pexels
Kosher Restaurants
Bahur Tov
19 Taborstraße, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-676-847761211
Web: https://www.bahur-tov.at/
2 Seitenstettengasse, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-5352530
Web: https://www.alefalef.at/
Mea Shearim Kosher Restaurant
Schmelzgasse 3, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-3999595
Web: https://www.mea-shearim.at/en/
Kosher Restaurant -YUDALE
Volkertplatz 5, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-2127444
Web: https://yudale.at/
Hager’s Catering
Große Stadtgutgasse 7, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-2145621
Web: http://www.hagerscatering.com/?lang=en
Kosher Deli
Kleine Sperlgasse 7, 1020 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43 660 1613266
Zirkusgasse 15, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-2128169
Web: https://novellino.at/
Pizza Prego & Prego Backshop
Taborstraße 43, Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-2163089
Mazzes Insel
Rotensterngasse 16, 1020 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-9346215
Web: http://www.mazzesinsel-restaurant.at/
Schalom Food
Rotensterngasse 16, 1020 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-9346215
Web: https://www.schalom-food.at