Remembrance &
The Shoa Walls of Names Memorial
The Shoah Walls of Names are a memorial project to commemorate the more than 66,000 Jewish children, women and men of Austria who were murdered in the Shoah and whose names had been gathered as part of a government project by the Documentations Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW) started in 1995.
The Stones of Remembrance
The "Stones of Remembrance" are a means of commemorating the victims for their great-grandchildren, grandchildren, children, and siblings. For some people the project is the end of a process that helps them to find peace and closure. The traumas that the families have suffered cannot be healed, but our desire is to help relieve the pain as much as possible.
The Vienna Project
Karen Frostig, artist, writer, professor and granddaughter of Austrian Holocaust victims is Founding President of a new social action memorial project The Vienna Project. The memorial opened on 23. October 2013 at the Odeon Theatre and will close one year later on October 10 2014 at the Hofburg Palace.
Preserving and rebuilding the archive of the jewish community
Since 2002 Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (IKG) and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum have cooperated in microfilming approximately 500,000 Holocaust-era pages of reports, letters, emigration and financial documents, deportation lists, card files, books, photographs, maps, and charts detailing the final years of what was once the largest German-speaking Jewish community in Europe and representing a substantial and long-forgotten part of the archive of the Viennese Jewish community.