Government Increases Funding for Jewish Life From 2024 Onwards - July 25, 2023

German original:

The government is increasing annual funding for Jewish life to seven million euros from 2024.

"The best means in the fight against anti-Semitism is to promote and make visible Jewish life," Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) told the Summer Council of Ministers on Tuesday.

Promoting and ensuring a safe and self-determined Jewish life

The basis is the Law on Safeguarding the Austrian Jewish Cultural Heritage (ÖJKG), which is part of the National Strategy against Anti-Semitism and provides annual funding for the Israelite Religious Society in the amount of four million euros since 2020. According to the government, the goal is to promote and ensure a safe and self-determined Jewish life in Austria and broad access for the population to the Jewish cultural heritage. The grants are intended to directly benefit the Jewish community and support, among other things, measures in the areas of security, preservation and maintenance of cultural heritage, and maintenance of Jewish community life.

After three years, an evaluation was planned, and according to the government, this recommended an increase in the funding amount. As part of the upcoming amendment, the annual funding for Austrian-Jewish cultural heritage is therefore to be increased to seven million euros.

Fight against anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is unfortunately still on the rise, the Constitutional Minister noted before the start of the government session. Nevertheless, Edtstadler described Austria as a "pioneer" in the fight against anti-Semitism. Now a "further milestone" is being set to safeguard and promote Jewish life.

Jews, like all other citizens, must feel safe here and be able to move freely, Edtstadler emphasized, "Jews should have unconditional security". Jewish life was "an essential part of Austria's history", it was "part of our historical responsibility to ensure visibility and security". If Jews come under pressure, "our Western values and our democracies are under pressure - and we have to take countermeasures," the minister stressed.

"The adoption of the Austrian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Act is a milestone of this government for a positive relationship of the Republic of Austria with the Jewish community," Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) stressed in a press release. "We are strengthening Jewish culture and Jewish life in Austria."

IRG President Oskar Deutsch expressed his delight in a statement to APA: "With this law, the Republic expresses its appreciation for Jewish life in Austria. The increase is a recognition of the work of the Jewish Communities and secures these activities for the future in the interest of the Republic."

The law is to go into a four-week review period following the Council of Ministers' decision. Edtstadler then hopes for a unanimous decision in parliament.


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